4th Of July AFBF Summer Cookout Survey

News & Media / June 6, 2023

Grassroots Farm Bureau members are invited to participate June 1-8 in American Farm Bureau’s Summer Cookout Survey of retail food prices commonly used to prepare a cookout meal for 10 people.


We’re looking for retail prices on commonly found foods including ground beef, American cheese, hamburger buns, chicken breasts, pork chops, potatoes, onions, celery, eggs, canned pork & beans, strawberries, lemons, sugar, chocolate chip cookies and ice cream.


Survey results will be used for a July 4th national publicity campaign on the retail cost of food that emphasizes its relatively small increase in price over time compared to other consumer goods, as well as the contribution of U.S. food, fiber and fuel production to national security. We’ll also report on the farmers’ share of the retail food dollar for several different food categories.


How You Can Help


· Between June 1-8, complete a mobile-friendly web survey, available at https://farmbureau.questionpro.com/july4th2023



· You may visit a grocery store in person, if you wish, or check prices using a grocery store app or website.


· Starting June 26, re-share social media posts and graphics about the survey results, including information about the farmers’ share of the retail food dollar.


Survey Tips


· It’s easy to open the link to the survey on any mobile device or tablet, then input retail prices while walking around a grocery store.


· List the lowest-cost product in the store for each item.


· Prices for store brand (generic) foods are fine.


· Do not use promotional coupons or special deals such as “buy one-get one free.”


· For all other items…if you can’t find an item in the size/weight specified, indicate the size or weight of the item most like it and its price. For example: the survey asks for the price of a 5-pound bag of potatoes. If potatoes are available only in 3-pound bags in your store, make a note of that along with the price. We’ll use the information provided to calculate the price for a 5-pound bag.


· If you absolutely can’t find a survey item, consider taking a look at circulars/flyers from other stores in the area and input the lowest offered price.


Thank you for considering this opportunity.

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