
How Your Donation Benefits Nevada

  • Ag in the Classroom
    • The Ag in the Classroom (AITC) Program provides education to students in our state to better understand where their food comes from.
  • Support for Training Seminars for Persons Involved in Production Agriculture
    • To expand their knowledge and skills, to develop the ability to express so they can be more effective in public participation opportunities.
  • Promoting Nevada Agriculture at Fairs and Other Events
    • To stimulate interest in our agriculture heritage.
  • Educational Tours for Teachers or Outstanding Urban School Students
    • To develop an appreciation of agriculture and understanding of the issues facing the industry.


Nevada Farm Bureau has several programs as well as a foundation that flourish because of the generous donations of individuals. Check out the various programs below to learn how you can support our organization and the Nevada agriculture community.


Ag in the Classroom educates students K-12 about Nevada agriculture through Ag Days at schools and in-class instruction. A donation to this program will help fund educational supply purchases and outreach activities to students. Ag in the Classroom educates students K-12 about Nevada agriculture through Ag Days at schools and in-class instruction. A donation to this program will help fund educational supply purchases and outreach activities to students

Nevada Heritage Foundation provides financial support and encouragement for education, training and research that relates to or benefits agriculture.

Harvest for All is a year-round food drive ran by the Young Farmers & Ranchers committee. Throughout the year, farmers and ranchers across the United States donate time, money and food to local Feeding America affiliates and other food banks. Since the program’s creation, YF&R committees across the country have provided more than 83 million meal equivalents to American families. In 2019, Nevada YF&R committees volunteered 323 hours, donated $2,323 and collected 1305 pounds of food for the Harvest for All program.

The Nevada Farm Bureau Legal Defense Fund was initiated in 2015. The primary objective in using this fund is to implement Farm Bureau agricultural and rural policy issues through the state and federal court systems. Farm Bureau uses these funds to participate in legal actions either as a party, intervenor, as an amicus curiae (friend of the court) or as a financial contributor to policy-related litigation efforts of others. The NVFB Legal Defense Fund cannot be used to provide legal advice to individuals but is used in cases that involve Farm Bureau policy issues. Voluntary contributions support legal action concerning agricultural issues and other matters of a statewide nature and importance to Farm Bureau members. Fund distribution is governed by the NVFB Board of Directors. The NVFB Legal Defense Fund seeks contributions to help fund its efforts.

Nevadans For Families and Agriculture is a Political Action Committee formed by Nevada Farm Bureau. The PAC will seek candidates running for public office in Nevada who share the same beliefs of Nevada Farm Bureau and our policy. Will only seek positions for state office.

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Become a Member

Become a member of the Nevada Farm Bureau to support Nevada’s farmers and ranchers and the agriculture industry.
