Let’s Discuss

News & Media / June 28, 2023

Join Us For The YF&R Discussion Meet

Who’s excited for the 2023 Nevada Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) Discussion Meet.  We are looking for people to compete between the ages of 18 and 35. This is a great opportunity to become involved in the YF&R program.

The objective of the YF&R program is to surface, grow and develop young Farm Bureau members and provide them opportunities and experiences to strengthen their leadership and ensure effective Farm Bureaus. The program is also focused on personal growth in the following areas: public speaking, issue advocacy, business development, networking, service leadership, media training and telling the story of agriculture.

The Discussion Meet is a competitive event that simulates a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. The competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a pre-determined topic. Participants build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems.

Each year the American Farm Bureau Federation YF&R committee releases a set of five questions that states use when they hold their annual Discussion Meets. The Nevada Farm Bureau has their annual Discussion Meet at the Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting that will be held this November 9th through the 11th at the CasaBlanca Resort and Casino in Mesquite, Nevada. The lucky winner will not only take home a cash prize, but will also move on to compete at the American Farm Bureau Annual YF&R Discussion meet that will be held January 19 through the 24 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Not only is this a great opportunity to meet people throughout the state of Nevada it’s a great way to make connections with people from other states as well. Again, we highly encourage you to think about competing in this year’s YF&R Discussion Meet if you are between the ages of 18 and 35. If you would like more information please feel free to contact Brittney Money at brittney@nvfb.org.

If interested the following questions will be the questions selected at random for the Discussion Meet at this year’s Annual Nevada Farm Bureau Meeting. Get a jump start on the competition by researching the following questions:

1.Production agriculture requires a lot of capital. Young farmers and ranchers face challenges gaining access to the capital they need to start or grow their operations. What tools are currently available, and what new programs could be introduced, to help young people access financial resources—and make sound financial decisions—to run their farms and ranches?

2.Working with elected officials, in all levels of government, is critical to advancing public policy that supports farmers and ranchers.  How can Farm Bureau help elected leaders better understand the challenges of the agriculture sector and the importance of supporting the financial viability of America’s family farms and ranches?

3.What is sustainable agriculture and how can Farm Bureau help farmers and ranchers access market-based solutions that advance sustainability goals without restricting their ability to stock America’s pantries, help feed a growing population and maintain farm profitability?

4.Farmers and ranchers across the country are diverse in not only the goods they produce,

but also in the ways they raise and market them. Farm Bureau’s role is to broadly represent all producers. How can our organization further welcome and engage diverse agricultural communities and cultivate dynamic future Farm Bureau leaders?

5.Agriculture uses water for everything from growing crops, raising livestock and moving products to and from farms and ranches. Water issues are often hotly debated, are unique to each region and can pose significant challenges to growers. How can Farm Bureau help address water management challenges and seek long term solutions for farmers and ranchers?

We encourage you to look over the following questions and think about joining us this November for the Discussion Meet.

If interested the American Farm Bureau Federation releases a series of Zoom meetings to get a better understanding of the Discussion Meet as well as tips and tricks on how to succeed.

Training Dates:

Tuesday, September 5 at 8:00p.m. Eastern – Discussion Meet Questions 1 and 2

Click here to register!

Tuesday, September 12 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern- Discussion Meet Questions 3 and 5

Click here to register!

Tuesday, September 19 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern- Discussion Meet Question 4 questions and answers

Click here to register!


We look forward to a great Discussion Meet!

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