New Scholarship Fund Established with the Nevada Agricultural Foundation

News & Media / February 19, 2020

The Nevada Agricultural Foundation (NAF) has received funds to establish the Kent McAdoo Legacy Scholarship Endowment.  Kent was a respected Extension Specialist who was dedicated to the stewardship of natural resources in the state of Nevada and beyond.  He unexpectedly passed away in early 2018.  At the time of Kent’s passing his family asked that donations be directed to benefit the education of Nevada students.  Numerous donations were received and have now been forwarded to NAF as a component of their Educational Assistance Award (Scholarship) program.

Awards from the Kent McAdoo Legacy Scholarship Endowment will be made for education of Nevada High School graduates pursuing a college degree with an emphasis in wildlife, fisheries, range, reclamation, natural resources or agricultural sciences.  This fund will add to the amount available to new and current college students through the NAF program which currently provides over $60,000 each year to assist students in achieving their educational goals.

Founded in 1976, the NAF is one of the most stable and enduring non-profit organizations in Nevada, and one of a very small number devoted to agriculture in the state.  NAF has supported agriculture students seeking a degree in an agricultural field, funded research projects with significance to Nevada agriculture and contributed to various agriculturally related programs throughout the state.

The Nevada Agricultural Foundation is honored to have been selected to administer the Kent McAdoo Legacy Scholarship Endowment and appreciates the opportunity to expand its scholarship program.  Additional donations to this scholarship fund or others are always welcome and can be sent to the Nevada Agricultural Foundation.

Applications for all NAF Educational Assistance Awards are available on the website at:

Applications are due by March 15, 2020.


For more information contact the

Nevada Agricultural Foundation

P.O. Box 8089

Reno, NV   89507

Phone:  775/673-2468


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